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Joseph Nyaringo

United States

Human rights advocacy, Equity and equality, Fairness for all, political, Social,& Economic Transformation in the Society.

More by user: speak4all
Created: 4th Jun 2012
Modified: 4th Jun 2012
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Biographical Information
Joseph Nyaringo
(At a Glance)
Date of Birth: Aug/22/1976
Gender: male
Place of Origin: Kenya

I'm a human rights advocate and a believer on Equity and equality. It’s my conviction that all human beings irrespective of their status or setting in life deserve Fairness both in the political, social and economic realms. To transform the society, we need men and women of good will whose character is tempered with values, love, patriotism and justice. To achieve good governance in the developing World, it requires extra efforts by regular citizens who should be proactive in understanding their rights, digging deeper on what goes in the day to day governance of their society. This is the zeal and determination we should all envision to build our Country. This is the true character of true "patriotism." It often involves putting one's life at risk just for the sake of a better society for future generations. As a young person, born and bred in Kenya and currently living in the West, I sometimes ask myself when our Country will have a leader who will fight with zeal and determination; putting aside the personal and striving to achieve a common wealth, health, fairness, justice for all- young and old, rich and poor. The future looks bleak but not hopeless. Those of us who augur a passion for better change in our nation MUST keep the fire burning day and night. As the Bible vividly says in Book of Habakkuk 2:4, Behold, his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him: but the just shall live by his faith. It’s this faith that should keep us focussed to the better havens for the country days ahead. People of goodwill, let us not tire or falter. The road may be zigzag and rugged, and even the environment may be hostile but we should never give up. Its true as the adage goes: man cannot discover new oceans without the courage to lose sight of the shores. Brothers and sister, Let us keep fighting and may God bless all those fighting the good fight to achieve the best of Kenya. Amen.

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