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Scot Harvey

United States

I live in Northern Minnesota with my wife and five children. I work as a Registered Nurse in the local Hospital Intensive Care Unit.

More by user: Orphanages
Created: 12th Jul 2009
Modified: 12th Jul 2009
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Biographical Information
Scot Harvey
(At a Glance)
Gender: male
Website: http://www.pov...
Place of Origin: United States


I have worked on several websites that encourage people to help the poor and orphaned of Africa.

Orphanages     www.orphanages.ws

Poverty and Hunger     www.povertyandhunger.org

Hearth to Hearth Ministries which is helping over 700 African orphans.  www.hearthtohearth.org

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Music, United States
World, United States
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