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Government, South Africa, ...

A high court has dismissed an urgent application by opposition parties to force parliament to debate a motion of no confidence in President Jacob Zuma before going into end of year recess.

In a historic move for the Anglican church, Bishop Ellinah Wamukoya has been ordained as the first female Anglican bishop in Africa.

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Physician, pilot, author. MS degree in Aerospace Medicine. Trained at NASA and in the US Navy.
Web design and publications, Children books. & Christian Ministries
"Be ready to give up what you are for what you might become." W.E.B.DuBois
My commitment to corporate citizenship includes a company wide initiative to foster diversity in our market place and in the...
Do you want to talk about it or are you ready for powerful spiritual lasting results? I will not lie...
Ethiopia is a country where you get all in one
Conscious Connections offers strategic advisory services for corporations, individuals, governments and organizations wishing to increase their social and financial impact.
Public Health Analyst working on Global HIV/AIDS program management in East Africa (Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, and South Sudan)under PEPFAR
social rap activist for social, structural and economical change and equality.