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Ramadan--the ninth month of the Moslem calendar year--is the time of fasting during daylight hours. Thick peppery Harira, full of...
Chop the lamb into bite-size cubes, then saute in oil in a large, heavy pot. (The oil is hot enough...
Put the meat in large heavy pot whose bottom has been lightly coated with oil. Over high heat brown the...
Place chickens in a pot with all the other ingredients except olives and lemon peel. Cover with water and bring...
USe 1 tablespoon of the butter to grease an 8-inch tube cake pan. Dust with a tablespoon of the flour...
Combine oranges, dates and almonds in a serving bowl. Gently stir in lemon juice and chill until ready to eat...
Peel almodnds by pouring them gradually into gently boiling water, until you have a cup in the pot. After a...
Scrape the carrots and slice them into 1/4-inch thick rounds. Melt butter in a heavy saucepan and add carrots, onions,...
Pre-heat oven to 300 degrees. Combine all ingredients except lemon juice in a heavy baking dish. Cover foil or tight-fitting...