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Dr A Osman Dr Abdulaahi Shire Osman is a well qualified Somali Doctor who lived and worked in Germany for...
Bosaso College more Information Bosaso College of Training and Computer (BCTC) was officially launched in 2006 in Bosaso-Puntland by a...
Vision highlights To be the Premier University of Somali Scholarship A Truly Somali University that is academically excellent Provide graduates...
* To identify and implement technologies that are most relevant to the requirements of our customers * Empower our clients...
Our Mission Puntland Hospital is committed to the health and wellness of our community. As such, we dedicate ourselves to...
MISSION To participate, as actor and beneficiary, in peace building and reconstruction of Somalia; and To contribute to the creation...
Mission PSU?s mission is to provide the best attainable, affordable, non-profit world-standard sustainable higher education for all Somalis. http://www.4icu.org/reviews/10983.htm
PSU?s mission is to provide the best attainable, affordable, non-profit world-standard sustainable higher education for all Somalis. PSU?s vision is...
East Africa University is located at the city of BOSASO in SOMALIA, in Northeastern part of the country. Somalia lies...
CRM-SL's mission is to rescue marginalized/disadvantaged young persons (age 18 and below), from extreme poverty, who are living on the...