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231 to 239 of 239

This network involves more than 100 NGOs from Arab countries who share their experiences and exchange information on environmental and...
AOYE founded the Arab Union for Youth and Environment in 1983 with the purpose of activating youth concerned with environmental...
Increase the awareness of the Nile River water crisis; and Develop a widely shared vision of a desirable, sustainable water...
AWIRU strives to support NEPAD by developing a scientific understanding of the role of water as a source of socio-economic...
La vocation de IIED Programme Sahel est de contribuer au d?veloppement durable au Sahel par la promotion des approches participatives...
ICIPE was constituted as a centre of excellence in insect science research with full international legal status and mandate as...
The International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) is the international environmental agency for local governments. Its mission is to...
CAB International's Information for Development (IFD) Programme assists developing countries in the acquisition and management of scientific information.