Mission StatementDr A Osman
Dr Abdulaahi Shire Osman is a well qualified Somali Doctor who lived and worked in Germany for the last thirty years. Dr Osman has substantial knowledge and experience in both tropical and western diseases and for that reason he has helped a lot of Somali people who have come from all around the world and visit his Clinic in Recklinghausen.
Dr Osman is happy to help you with all health matters.
Tel +49-2361-71710
Fax +49-2361-374011
Website : www.draosman.com
To reach the polyclinic:
Flying from all parts of the world to the main
Düsseldorf Airport !
From the airport take a train to the Recklinghausen Main Railway station. You will find a good hotel with special rates for my patients, which is close to the station.
It is called Bahnhofs Hotel, which is located on Kunibertistrasse 40
Tel.: 0049 2361 909013.
Here is the city center with good Hallal restaurant and all other facilities you will need. In front of the station you will find a Bus Transportation Service.
You may take Bus No. 239 direct to my clinic. It will take just 10-15 min. to reach OUR SERVICES. the bus station in front of OUR SERVICES is called Robertstrasse.
If you live in Germany or neighboring countries, please use the Auto Route from the Internet to the german City of Recklinghausen ,
Note : Before you leave your country, please call for an appointment and if you have any question concerning the direction to our clinic, hotel reservations, transportation, etc. we will help you.
Consultation hours:
Mo- Fri: 8.00- 12.00 AM
15.00- 18.00 PM
Saturday : only with appointment
My background:
I Dr. Osman a registered and licensed practising medical doctor in Germany, born in Somalia in 1944, married with five children.
After finishing my regular secondary school and special English High school, I left Somalia in 1969 to go to Russia for my Scholarship. After one year of learning the Russian language, I started studying at the Medical University in Kiev later in Lovov until 1976.
After the completion of my studies at the Medical University as a general Physician, I left to West Germany in 1976, after one year studying the German language, I started my specialisation in 1977 working in one of the biggest hospitals in Germany, where I started as a junior doctor, specialising in the traumatology (injury) department.
I worked on both day and night duty, flying with the emergency helicopter, driving in the emergency ambulances, doing all the emergency duties like reanimation, heart de fibrillation in these two situations. Also I was working in the department of neurology and osteology undertaking operations as a junior doctor.
I had to assist and operate the senior doctors on all organs and bone fractures except brain and heart, in order to obtain my senior specialist axmen in these areas. I made all repositions of human bone fractures as conservative methods and also reconstructions with metal prosthetics operations.
After two years I started working in a different hospital. As a doctor, I started working in the department of general surgery, dermatology and injury. I also worked temporarily on the emergency ambulance. In 1984 , I sat my senior specialist exam and obtained the senior doctor Qualification from the German Ministry of Health and Chamber of the German doctors.
From 1985 I opened and started my own polyclinic- praxis. I am working and specialised in the following fields: Surgery, dermatology, injury, bones and the joins treatment with x-ray, general physician, (skin and hair, lungs and throat, liver, pancreas, gallbladder, kidney and urology, stomach, intestine, neurology, brain, psychiatry, virus and infections, tuberculoses, ears and eyes diseases).
I am working actively with the World Health Organisation and Somali health organisations. The purpose is to help the Somali people from suffering from their diseases, all by using my best medical knowledge.
The main emphasis is to help families having problems with pregnancy and infertility for men and women. I am also working closely with German hospitals and other specialists to facilitate my patients to get the best treatment with the latest technology.
Note: Men Harmon (child-desire), genital and anal problem (babasirka) operation possible. ONLY ADULT!
Note: women Harmon (child-desire), genital (like poly pen) and anal problem (babasirka) operation possible. ONLY ADULT!
Visit their site:
HeadQuarters: Praxis DR. OSMAN
- Organization Contacts
- Fax: Fax: 00 49 2361 374 011
- Contact Person/Office: Dr. Abdullahi Shire Osman
- Title/Division: Specialist in Germany, General medicine,surgery consultant, orthopedic consultant
- Telephone: 00 49 2361 71710
Email: dr.abdullahiosman@t-online.de
Organization Details
Dr.A.Osman is a medical doctor who has been serving the local and diverse community of Germany/Recklinghausen for over 25 years as well as Somali people who come from all over the world.
During that time Doctor Osman has been able to establish and maintain a good relationship with the best and most qualified doctors/hospitals in Recklinghausen and in the whole of Germany.
Clinical activities:
Dr Osman has organised his clinic services as follows:
On arrival of the patient in his clinic, doctor Osman sets up a full clinical interview, investigation and research about the patient's needs and health problems, and he finds out whether the medical needs and illness of the patient is in his area of specialisation or if it needs to be referred to another doctor/ hospitals.
1. When the research outcome relates to his own specialisation like (general physician, general surgery and orthopaedic (all bones and joints sickness) etc, he treats the patient himself in his clinic where he has the latest knowledge and clinical equipment.
2. When the research outcome is some thing else Dr. Osman immediately refers the patient to the right doctor /hospitals specialised to that particular illness.
3. The specialists or hospitals in Germany treat the patients from Dr Osman swiftly and thoroughly and send them back to Doctor Osman.
Again all medical results and reports of referred patients like
computers, Ct, MRT, Laboratory, Gynaecology, Neurology and X-Rays from hospitals and other specialists come back to him (doctor osman).
Dr. Osman looks at the examination results, reports and the drug doses and explains them all to you in easy and understandable Somali. Its very important for most patients.
Dr Osman can also help a woman with pregnancy problems and the man with infertilities.
Please Note: all your treatment, research and medical examination in Dr Osman's polyclinic takes only two to three working days. Please, don't book your return ticket longer.
Note: you won't need a translator companion to the other specialists for an additional cost, as Dr Osman will prepare an individual solid medical report accompanying you (on the same day). Dr Osman refers his patients to specialist doctors that promptly deal with their health concerns.
He also assists patients from abroad by providing them information regarding cheap and clean hotels,transportation and halal-food serving restaurants.
When contacted in advance, Dr Osman advices his staff to carry out bookings for the above services.