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Prosper Higiro


Prosper Higiro is a Rwandan politician. He is a candidate in Rwanda's 2010 presidential elections.

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Created: 28th Jul 2010
Modified: 12th Aug 2010
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Biographical Information

Prosper Higiro is a member of the Liberal Party of Rwanda.

In 2004, Higiro was appointed as Senator, representing the Kirehe District, and Vice President of Senate.

Senator Higiro is also a member of the Pan African Parliament.

Senator Higiro is currently running as a  candidate for Rwanda's 2010 presidental elections. His platform aims to promote family planning, service delivery, accountability and equal protection. He also seeks to promote improved infrastructure and quality education as well as private sector involvement in the education sector.

(Sources : www.newtimes.rw.co and rwanda365.com )

(Sources: wwww. newtimes.rw.co and www.rwanda365.com )

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