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Dicken Marshall


Musician and Producer.

More by user: dickenmarshall
Created: 10th Sep 2009
Modified: 10th Sep 2009
Professional Information

Description of Work:

Rafiki Records LTD.  Is a new company set up to Produce and promote Rwandan and Burundian Music.  Dicken founded Rafiki Records having spent much of last year building a state-of-the-art recording studio in Kigali for the Kigali-based charity Solace Ministries, to allow musicians to record their work, and to provide some kind of sustainable income for the charity

Biographical Information
Dicken Marshall
(At a Glance)
Date of Birth: Apr/9/1980
Gender: male
Place of Origin: United Kingdom




Other Accomplishments:

Dicken is a Multi instumentalist, singer, Composer, Producer, Engineer, Music Tutor and Writes music for film.


Songs of Solace.

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