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1761 to 1770 of 1807

William V.S Tubman was president of Liberia for 27 years (1944 - 1971). He was a descendant of an Americo-Liberian...
I am coming from China, who can supply you all kinds of equipments applied in crushing plants, grinding processing, mineral...
Wilson Edgar Pereira Alegre is an Angolan International Footballer
Wilson Williams is a banker and a confident competitor in the August 28 BHP Billiton Marathon scheduled to take place...
Winky D is one man who has lyrics that will continue inspiring you long after the track has stopped playing...
Winnie Madikizela-Mandela est peut ?tre "la maman nationale" de l'Afrique du Sud. Ancienne ?pouse du pr?sident Nelson Mandela, elle reste...
Simplicity in nature.
Nigerian writer and winner of the Nobel for Literature in 1986.
Nobel Prize-winning author, playwright, academic and poet.
Wopko Jensma n? ? Wentersdorp, Transvaal en 1939 et d?ced? en 1993, est un Po?te, Plasticien et Graveur.