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William V.S Tubman


William V.S Tubman was president of Liberia for 27 years (1944 - 1971). He was a descendant of an Americo-Liberian. He is deceased.

More by user: bfofana
Created: 11th Mar 2008
Modified: 11th Mar 2008
Professional Information
Professional Areas:
Liberian Governmant
Former President (deceased)
Working primarily in:

Description of Work:
Tubman was elected president of Liberia in 1943. He was a very strong ally of America. Liberia became an important country in the supply line of Allied troops during World War II.
Under Tubman's rule, native Liberians and women were enfranchised for the 1951 elections.  He emphasized national unification of the natives and the Americo - Liberians elites and also brought about the Open Door Policy to attract investment. This policy made Liberia at the time to attain the second largest rate of economic growth in the world.
Some point out however that his rule was brutal, cracking down very hard  on opposition. Other Liberians of today think that he was president for so long not to have carried out a significant infrastructural development.

Biographical Information
William V.S Tubman
(At a Glance)
Date of Birth: Nov/29/
Interests: Politics., Law
  City: Monrovia
Place of Origin: Liberia

More People

Government, Liberia
Seychelles, Administration
Occupations, Liberia, Netherlands
Administration, Lesotho