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INTRODUCTIONGoldenscape landscape architects and interior designers is a private limited company (Plc) incorporated and registered in Kenya under that Kenya...
Djoedjoer LTD is company incorporated under the laws of the Republic of Ghana, West Africa, as a branch of the...
Carthage was once a rival of the early Roman Republic and home to one of the world's most famous military...
Cape Coast Castle should be on every tourist's list.? Its origins date back to 1653, when it was built by...
Aksum's stele fields hold some of Ethiopia's oldest, world renowned, standing monuments, a group of memorial obelisks.? They were erected...
Cidade Velha means "Old City," and its antiquity has elevated its status as a recently declared Unesco World Heritage site....
The infamous Tuareg people live in Djanet, an area where prehistoric rock art is surprisingly intact, and their rich culture...
Founded and constructed in the fourteenth century, the Ben Yussef Madersa has served as a place of worship and religious...