Djoedjoer LTD is company incorporated under the laws of the Republic of Ghana, West Africa, as a branch of the PT. Djoedjoer Oetama, a company under the laws of the Republic of Indonesia which enganged in engineering technology for use in various sectors, namely agriculture, water, plantation, minning, fisheries rivers and seas, and the primary equipment technology for security and defense.
Another area that is run is education and community service, in the field of technology transfer and improved performance to achieve the targets as expected and confirmed by management companies, organizations, institutions and foundations.
One of the attitude of doing business is to provide technology transfer, so that local men power can reach the target in which ability of local men power workforce will have same capabilities with men power supplied by PT. Djoedjoer Oetama as the holding company of Djoedjoer Limited.
For further details, you can visit our website, and official email address :, private email address : and, skype : mas_dadi, facebook : winardi setiono, yahoo massanger : mas_dadi