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Sylvester Moono


A focused person,hard working with a heart for people that are less privelleged,an activist for Human Rights with Amnesty International UK.

More by user: smoono
Created: 26th Jun 2009
Modified: 26th Jun 2009
Professional Information
Professional Areas:
Community Care Projects
Project Manager
Working primarily in:

Description of Work:

I am an vollunteer educator in the department called the GHASP(Grace Community HIV/AIDS,TB Support Programme)

We meet with members of the community twice in a week for lessons with the GHASP members and support groups in conjuction with our partners the KB Association Africa for a Time to Share talk on development strategy in our programmes.I facillitate the programmes as well and sometimes i teach.

Biographical Information
Sylvester Moono
(At a Glance)
Date of Birth: Apr/26/1968
  Grace Centre,Freedomway,P.O.Box 80236,Kabwe.Zambia.
  City: Kabwe. Zambia. Africa.
Tel: +260(0)955776083
Website: http://www.soc...
Place of Origin: Zambia

Born in Musokotwane village Kazungula district,in the Southern Province of Zambia on the 26 of April 1968.The second born of Mr.Francis Moono who was working as a local court clerk in the 1950s,who himself was born in 1931 in the same village.

I did my primary school from grade 1 to 7 at Pemba primary school in the same province but did not make it to grade 8;as such i had to repeat at Hamwiimbu primary school in Monze where fortunately i managed to make it to grade 8 at St.Canisius Secondary School at Mukuni in Chisekese in the Southern Province of Zambia.

When i qualified to go to senior high school i was sent to Chipepo secondary school in the Gwembe valley where i completed my high school level with a full certificate(18 points)in 1990.In 1991 i was employed by the department of Census and Statistics in Choma as a statistical clerk  where i worked up to 1994.After which i decided to go to the village in Pemba and concetrate on Agriculture up to 1999; but in 1996 i got married to Thressa Imuyema from Livingstone,and in 2000 went to Kabwe where i was accepted to a Bible Training Institure called the Grace Bible Institute and studied for my certificate course in Church leadership.The i continued to study with the World Bible Scchool for a Diploma which i achieved in 2007.Within the same period i had been doing some courses in psycho-social counselling and wheelchair building and community health work and finally did an Advanced diploma in Project Management at City College of Management and Technical Studies with i achieved 2009.But have spent most of my working life doing volunteer work with many organisations,which am still doing to this day.On top of my list is Human Rights and community development projects.

I have five children who i love and 4 of them are in school.(Brief)


Have not written any but i am writing one.


I have have only one that i produce on video and titled: The message of Grace


Mr. Sylvester Moono
  Grace centre, P.O. Box 80236,Kabwe. Zambia.
Mobille number:+260(0)955776083.


1 4 years teaching and data collection experience with the department of Census and Statistics
2 3 years teaching experience in Bible Studies with the world Bible School/Grace Church in Zambia hold a diploma in church management
3 Working as a volunteer community worker and did training as wheelchair builder for 8 years
4 Worked as an online community volunteer with the Community Market University and Amnesty International (Continue)
5    Hold an Advanced diploma with City College of management and Technical Studies                in Project Management    


    Certificate in Computer knowledge

Advanced Diploma Project Management
    City College of Management and Technical Studies,
Private Bag RW506X,   Lusaka.
Diploma in Church Management,Pastoral Theology,Homiletics,Hameaunitics
Grace Bible Institute/World Bible School

Social Cash Transfer Scheme,Community Mobilization

    Community   Development Facillitation

Neighbourhood Community Health(HIV and AIDS Education and Rural Agricultural programmes.

Data collection with the department of Census and Statistics under the government of the Republic of Zambia.


1 Expertise in Microsoft Office.
2 Full knowledge of internet, website  disign


1 English (Write & speak fluently) 


April 26,1968

(1)  The Director,
Grace Ministries International of Southern Africa,
P.O.Box 80236,
Zambia.           Email:dtmoyer@gmail.com

(2)College Admnistrator,
City College of Management and Techinical Studies,
Private Bag RW506X,Lusaka.Zambia.

(3)Yorum Kaziya,Provincial Social Welfare Office,
Chipata.Eastern Province.Zambia.

Other Accomplishments:

(1)Have planted a church in Chipata,near Kapata market under the Grace Church in Zambia.

(2)I have been the chairman of the Mental Health Association of Zambia for Chipata district

(3)I have done wheelchair building course and have started a network called Disability is Ability with a worldwide membership

(4)I am a Human Rights Activist and have and still am a volunteer with Amnesty International

(5)I advocated for the forming of GHASP(Grace Community HIV/AIDS,TB Support Programme) in Kabwe and is now called (AHASP) African Community HIV/AIDS,TB Support Programme.

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