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Rwanda : Cecile Kayirebwa
Cecile Kayirebwa

More by user: aketterer
Created: 23rd Jul 2008
Modified: 23rd Jul 2008
Cecile Kayirebwa
Cecile's songs transcend the various people in her home country and are accompanied by traditional instruments such as the umuduri and ikembe. Cecile contributed to a short film 'Umulisa' (1986). She recorded several cassettes and the fourth one, 'Ubumanzi' (1990) was the most acclaimed was released in 1990. On her album 'Rwanda' (1994) the lyrics cover topics such as family situations, the beauty of Rwanda, and lullabies.

To listen: http://www.intouchgroup.com/search/album1.php?albumid=02966730832

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