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Botswana : Economic Growth In Botswana In The 1980s: A Model For Sub-Saharan Africa (2006)
Economic Growth In Botswana In The 1980s: A Model For Sub-Saharan Africa (2006)

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Created: 15th May 2007
Modified: 4th Sep 2008
Seymour Patterson
Africa World Press

Economic Growth in Botswana in the 1980s: A Model for Sub-Saharan Africa (Non-Fiction)
by Seymour Patterson

Africa World Press (July 1, 2006)


This book presents a retrospective analysis of Botswana, a country in Africa that somehow succeeded in escaping the tragedies that are so endemic in sub-Saharan African countries. Many factors, obviously, have contributed to the rapid growth rates that Botswana experienced in the 1980s, including, Patterson argues, the convergence of a constellation of factors such as the discovery of diamonds and the inflow of foreign exchange earnings from mineral, particularly diamond sales to the rest of the world.

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