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Botswana : Why Botswana Prospered (2006)
Why Botswana Prospered (2006)

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Created: 15th May 2007
Modified: 4th Sep 2008
J. Clark Leith
McGill-Queen's University Press

Why Botswana Prospered (Non-Fiction)
by J. Clark Leith

McGill-Queen's University Press

Paperback: CA $27.95, US $22.95, UK £14.95/Hardback CA $70.00, US $70.00, UK £52.00

While most of Africa has been described as a political and economic disaster zone, Botswana stands out as a democracy that has had rapid economic growth for more than three decades. Clark Leith traces the evolution of Botswana's economic policies and democratic political systems and the forces that have shaped them since the country achieved independence in 1966.

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