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1301 to 1310 of 1742

Jesse Jackson, Jr. is a prominent member of the United States House of Representatives and a longstanding advocate for expanding...
Alex is a former intern at allAfrica.com an aspiring journalist with a strong interest in Africa and the New African...
Patrick Kennedy is an representative in the United States Congress who is widely known for advocacy for African aid, especially...
George Bush is the former American president, most known in Africa for his $15 billion President's Emergency Plan for Aids...
Ali Hassan Mwinyi (born May 8, 1925, Kivure, Coast Region, Tanzania) was the president of the United Republic of Tanzania...
Abdirashid Ali Shermarke born on November 16, 1919 and died on October 15, 1969, was President of Somalia from June...
Dominique Mbonyumutwa was a Rwandan politician.
General F?lix Malloum or F?lix Malloum Ngakoutou Bey-Ndi (born 1932) is a Chadian politician from the south.
No?l Milarew Odingar was a Chadian officer who briefly served as head of state and was after one of the...
Ambassador from Namibia to the United States (2005 - Present).