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Legislative, South Africa, ...

A high court has dismissed an urgent application by opposition parties to force parliament to debate a motion of no confidence in President Jacob Zuma before going into end of year recess.

In a historic move for the Anglican church, Bishop Ellinah Wamukoya has been ordained as the first female Anglican bishop in Africa.

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Conscious Connections offers strategic advisory services for corporations, individuals, governments and organizations wishing to increase their social and financial impact.
I am a Liberian and I live and work in Liberia.
I am a beautiful person whom God wish blessings upon.
ABOUT ME httb://about.me/darkcloudestine
Baldev merkel was born in 1940 in Frankfurt Germany, he is a philanthropist, business mogul, investor, founder chairman and proprietor...
I am Christopher C. Swen, I am a Liberian and I work as an IT Technician for the Insurance Company...
Clara Williams is a young female athlete contesting in the BHP Billiton Marathon on August 28, 2011.
I love Africa; I love my people. I love Nigeria; I am Nigerian. I also love humanity; every person who...
Medical Doctor and health blogger
American born Pan African Spiritualist. New Orleans Voodoo Hoodoo Obeah Bokor. Author, Practitioner & Advisor in Pan African & World...