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myAfrica is a part of allAfrica.com, the largest site for news and information from and about Africa. We are building the most comprehensive, searchable database of stories, thoughts, poetry and other literature from and about Africa.

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A story about family secrets that will haunt the book's sensitive protagonist, Jessamy Harrison, a British girl born to a...
The book is a compelling narrative of survivor stories compiled from Gourevitch's travels in a Rwanda after the conflict.?<a href="http://myafrica.allafrica.com/view/people/main/id/083Vq3DO3_FHv3wy.html">Gourevitch</a>...
A book that details the history and geography of Niger while demonstrating Niger's beauty with the use of photographs.
An Irish-American woman returns to Niger where she restores the bond she thought she had lost with her daughter.? During...
This novel is about T?t?-Michel Kpomassie experience in Greenland where he is inspired to go after reading a book about...
Stationed as a Peace Corps instructor in the village of Lavie, Togo George Packer is educated by his experiences in...
According to the legend, the islands of the moon are protect the love of Salomon and the Queen of Saba....
Betafo is a rural community in central Madagascar. The descensants of the community are divided between that of nobles and...
Paired with colorful illustrations, "Tree of Life" weaves together fact and folktale. Bash tells a creation story from the !Kung...
Born under British colonial rile, even as a child Chirwa was aware the the injustice she faced as an African...