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Boating - arrangements can be made for bigger groups.
Besides Grand Bassam, popular beaches are found in Assinie (1.5 hrs from Abidjan) and San Pedro/Sassandra (roughly 3 hours from...
A popular local beach, most people come to Boulders for the African penguins in the Boulders section of Table Mountain...
The capital city of Burundi, Bumumbura offers many things to do.? One can water ski, sail, or fish on Lake...
You are a group of? professional, friend, villager, ? etc.. you want to share the thrill together explore our beautiful...
A nice place not to far from Conakry to relax and take in the beautiful West African coastline. ?On the...
If you enjoy diving excellent areas to go are: The <i>Trou du Proph?te in Misamiouli </i>on Ngazidja, <i>Niumashuwa Bay </i>on...
Fading colonial glory and long stretches of beach lined with hotels and seafood restaurants are the main attractions at this...
Grand Bassam borders the beach and boasts a vast array of sculptures, paintings and Ivoirian cuisine. Little shops are lined...