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myAfrica is a part of allAfrica.com, the largest site for news and information from and about Africa. Browse listings of different things to do where you live, if you are in Africa, or any attractions that you visited, if you toured any country in Africa. Find existing listings.

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The office of the Nigeria Fashion & Beauty (NFB) Awards has set a goal to annually celebrate the best of...
Recent movies usually available.
Come and play mini golf in a relaxed and scenic surrounding. Extremely enjoyable for the whole family. Adventure Golf is...
BOB EJIKE LAUNCHES NATIONAL EDIFICE MAGAZINE The Nigerian tabloid industry is set to receive a boost as renowned Nigerian writer...
The capital city of Burundi, Bumumbura offers many things to do.? One can water ski, sail, or fish on Lake...
Recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records as the highest commercial bungee jump in the world at 216 meters...
The best place to ride camels is in the area of Zaafrane, 14 km southwest of Douz. There are no...
Come to the shores of Cayar late in the afternoon, at around sunset.? You will see a bustling spectacle, as...
There are at least nine movie houses in Asmara alone, and going to movies is a popular pasttime throughout Eritrea...
This is the most affordable and exciting place to see music--in fact, admission is completely free.? Locals and foreigners alike...