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Cinema Roma
Cinema Roma

More by user: auto system
Created: 5th Sep 2007
Modified: 4th Sep 2008
25% expensive

There are at least nine movie houses in Asmara alone, and going to movies is a popular pasttime throughout Eritrea. The cinemas have regular English, Italian and Indian films, most of which are dubbed or have subtitles. Some old cinemas are from the Italian period and architecturally interesting. Cinema Roma has great prices and an interesting variety of showings at any time.

Contact Information
Martyrs Avenue Asmara
*****Please keep in mind that travel in Eritrea is still potentially very dangerous at this time and not recommended except for anyone who lacks experience in the region. Anyone going to the country should exerciser extreme caution and consult the US State Department site on the Eritrea before leaving for up to date information on the situation http://travel.state.gov/travel/cis_pa_tw/cis/cis_1111.html*****

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