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George A. Karnwie

George A. Karnwie is an achiever of the Young Ambassador for Peace Awards and a participant in the 26km marathon on August 28, 2011.

More by user: bhinneh
Created: 19th Jul 2011
Modified: 2nd Aug 2011
Professional Information
United Methodist University
Student Aide, ICT Lab
Working primarily in:

Description of Work:

Coordinate the activities of over 3,500 students through a data base system at the United Methodist University's ICT Laboratory.

Biographical Information
George A. Karnwie
(At a Glance)
Date of Birth: Jan/6/1985
Gender: male
  Old Matadi Estate, Sinkor
  United Methodist University
  City: Monrovia
Tel: +2316-472-319/ +2315-820-456
Website: http://www.gka...
Place of Origin: Liberia

George A. Karnwie was born in 1985 in a village called Loyee, Nimba County unto the union of Mr. Peter B. Karnwie and Miss. Martha G. Kerpoah. His late father came from the family of eleven children. During the Liberian Civil Crisis, his father was killed along with four of his brothers. George’s father was the oldest child for his parents.

George began his primary education in the year 1993 at the Messiah Christian Academy in Ganta, Nimba County. When the civil war intensified, George fled to neighboring Guinea for refuge. He settled in a town called N’zerekore and continued with schooling at the Mohammou Refugee School. He remained in that country until he entered junior high school. He then returned to Liberia in 2003 and settled in Saclepea, Nimba County. Eager to complete his education, he enrolled at the Liberia National Red Cross High School. He finally completed his high school education at the United Liberia Inland Mission Academy. George attained a high school diploma and a certificate from the West Africa Examination Council.

Presently, George A. Karnwie is a senior student of the United Methodist University persuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Public Administration.

He is a born again Christian and an affiliating member of the United Inland Christian Church. He is also a committed member of Old Matadi Youth for Progressive Action and a certified member of the Federation for World Peace. He is presently the President of the Nimba Student Association-United Methodist University.

He has dedicated his participation in the 2011 BHP Billiton Marathon to his paternal mother because of her faith in God, her love for her children and grandchildren, and the continuous prayer and support that she gives to her family especially after the death of her husband back in 1979. She lives up to this day at the age of one hundred and eight years. She now has up to one hundred off springs.

These are his words to his grandmother: “I love you grand mom”.

Other Accomplishments:

High School Diploma; West African Examination Council Certificate (WAEC);


Young Ambassador for Peace,Certificate

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Liberia, Broadcast
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