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Clarence Moniba

Moniba has performed stunts in three Hollywood movies, he also played professional football in the United States and serves as the COO for the Dr. Harry F. Moniba Educational Foundation.

More by user: liberiaa
Created: 19th Feb 2010
Modified: 19th Apr 2010
Professional Information
Government of Liberia

Biographical Information
Clarence Moniba
(At a Glance)
Date of Birth: Mar/15/1979
Gender: male
Place of Origin: Liberia

Clarence Moniba, is the youngest son of Liberia’s former Vice President, Dr. Harry Moniba.  Clarence has performed stunts in three Hollywood Blockbuster movies, he also played professional football in the United States.  Clarence has worked for the Liberian Mission to the United Nations in New York, as well as the Liberian Embassy in Washington D.C.  He holds a Masters Degree in Political Science and is currently working on his Ph.D. in Rhetoric and Professional Communications.  He has published several news articles on the Liberian Economy, its constitution and society, among other things.  He currently serves as the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of the educational foundation named after his father; the foundation provides college scholarships to Liberian students.    

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Liberia, Occupations
Liberia, Other
Administration, Liberia
United States, Liberia, Media