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Tupin Morgan


Tupin Morgan has served as Managing Director of Agro Inc since October 2005. He also serves on the board of Liberia Chamber of Commerce, the Oil Palm Association, and the Rubber Planters Association

More by user: tupinmorgan
Created: 18th Feb 2010
Modified: 18th Feb 2010
Professional Information
Professional Areas:
Agro, Inc.
Managing Director
Working primarily in:

Description of Work:

Agro Inc is a leader in the supply chain management of agricultural and food products from Liberia. Its origination activities - where it buys from the lowest level of aggregation and as close to the farm gate as possible - has led to design and management one of the most efficient hub-and-spoke distribution systems in the country. Storage and processing facilities are combined with up-country logistics to provide Agro Inc. a strategic advantage in providing post-harvest services and in the distribution of farm inputs.


Through its agricultural consulting service, Agro Inc offers technical support, project solutions and management, capacity building, and policy advice to both actors of the agricultural value chain and to regional and national policymakers impacting agricultural development. Key policy advocacy and support has included development of market information systems, promoting greater intra-regional produce trade, and linking farmers to input and output markets.

Biographical Information
Tupin Morgan
(At a Glance)
Gender: male
Website: http://www.agr...


Agro, Inc. began from a consolidation of Bong County Rubber Plantations and Margibi Estate Farms located in Liberia. Soon thereafter, it began an aggressive expansion program that lead to the acquisition of additional oil palm and rubber estates, the fostering of partnerships with up-country suppliers, and the development out-grower programs around its nucleus plantations


Strong origination capabilities made it feasible for value-addition and direct marketing of its agro-products to regional buyers, many of which products undergo primary and intermediate processing before they are delivered to the final customer.  These and other value chain services have allowed for the building of synergies between  company activities in the origin and destination markets.


In 2006, Agro Inc. saw an opportunity to transfer these skills and competencies across geographic boundaries into other developing countries and across product boundaries to other adjacent products. Today, the firm manages activities - from origination to processing, logistics, marketing and distribution - in the supply chains of locally produced oil palm, natural rubber, cassava, pineapple, plantain, and rubberwood. Beyond Liberia, Agro Inc. is also active in Sierra Leone, Guinea and Côte d'Ivoire.


Agro Inc maintains an executive corporate membership with the Liberia Chamber of Commerce, the Liberian Business Association (LIBA), the Rubber Planters Association of Liberia (RPAL), and is a charter member of the Oil Palm Association of Liberia (OPAL).







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