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Reed Kramer

CEO and co-founder of AllAfrica Global Media [allAfrica.com]

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Created: 18th Sep 2009
Modified: 6th Nov 2011
Professional Information

Biographical Information
Reed Kramer
(At a Glance)
Gender: male
Place of Origin: North America

Reed Kramer is co-founder and chief executive of AllAfrica Global Media, a systems technology developer and leading distributor of African news and information worldwide.

In partnership with over 130 African media organizations, AllAfrica supplies 1000 stories daily, through the website allAfrica.com and via the AllAfrica News Wire to such clients as LexisNexis, Bloomberg, Financial Times, Reuters and Dow Jones.

Previously, as president of Africa News Service, a non-profit U.S.-based agency producing award-winning news for broadcast and print media, he established Africa News Online. a web pioneer and the first Africa-related information source, in March 1995, when there were only some 10,000 sites in operation worldwide.

He has reported for the Washington Post, Le Monde Diplomatique, Christian Science Monitor, National Public Radio and the BBC and has served as a news consultant and guest for CNN, the NBC "Today" show, Al Jazeera and the NewsHour on public television.

He is a graduate of Duke University and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. He was co-recipient in 2001 of a Special Recognition Media Award for Lifetime Achievement from the Africa America Institute in New York. He was born in Knoxville, Tennessee

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