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Charles Ossa

Charles Ossa,United States, World

More by user: Charles Ossa
Created: 17th Dec 2008
Modified: 18th Dec 2008
Professional Information
Global Traders, Inc.

Description of Work:

Executive with over fifteen (25) years experience in International Trade and Administration.  Demonstrate ability in strategy creation and application as well as in all facets of international trade operations, including negotiating, budgeting, forecasting, international sourcing, contract execution, revision of payment instruments, and feasibility studies preparations.  An expert at dissemination of information through Print and Electronic media, Charles Ossa has a passion to see the flow of investment from developed countries to developing countries, especially in Africa.


Visit his company's website at www.globaltradersusa.us for more information on his business activities.

Biographical Information
Charles Ossa
(At a Glance)
Date of Birth: Nov/11/1952
Gender: male
Interests: Reading, social commentary, political issues, financial issues, Boxing.
  496 Powell Street
  City: Brooklyn, NY 11212 USA
Tel: 1-347-240-9900
Website: http://www.glo...
Place of Origin: United States

Charles Ossa is the President of Global Traders, Inc., Global Trade Financial Services and is primarily engaged in sourcing for goods and services and arranging financing for Africa companies and governments. 

He holds a degree in Journalism & Mass Communication from the Ghana Institute of Journalism, and Advanced Professional Certificate in EDP and MS (MIS) from New York University.   

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