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Francisque Ravony


Francisque Ravony (born December 2, 1942, Vohipeno, Fianarantsoa province, Madagascar and died February 15, 2003, Soavinandriana, Antananarivo province) Was a Malagasy Lawyer and politician.

More by user: miba
Created: 8th Jul 2008
Modified: 8th Jul 2008
Professional Information
Professional Areas:
Premier Ministre
Working primarily in:

Description of Work:
Francisque Ravony was a key political figure in Madagascar during the late 80's and 1990's. He was prime minister of Madagascar (1993-1995) under President Zafy Albert.
Biographical Information
Francisque Ravony
(At a Glance)
Date of Birth: Dec/2/1942
Gender: male
Interests: Politique, Art, Culture, Sport
Place of Origin: Madagascar

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