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Amadou Lamine Ba

United States

Amadou Lamine Ba is the Ambassador of Senegal to the United States.

More by user: esmith
Created: 3rd Jul 2008
Modified: 3rd Jul 2008
Professional Information
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Description of Work:
From 1999 until his appointment as ambassador on October 17,2002 Ba was a professor of Science at Bunker Hill College in Boston Massachusetts. From 1997-1999 Ba worked as a researcher and assistant to a professor of agriculture at Ohio State University. At this time he was also a member of the executive office of The US-Africa Institute a private organization based in DC and created for encouraging a relationship between Africa and the US in commerce, investments, new communication technologies, education and democracy. From 1995-1997 Ba acted as the co-leader of the HDNA (Human Rights, Democracy and New Leadership in Africa) and international NGO based in Dakar and Washington DC that is engaged in building a new image of Africa in the US and the rest of the world. In 1993 Ba was a consultant and visiting scholar at the University of Vermont in the Department of International Studies in Burlington, Vermont. From 1990-1993 he worked as a research assistant at Ohio State University. Ba is a memeber of the African Diplomatic Corps (ADC), comprised of a group of 53 ambassadors that represent African countries in the US. Ambassador Ba has given lectures on the comparative analysis of the development strategies of the US and other parts of the world, the political, cultural, economic and cultural relations of the US and Africa as well as the development policy in international agriculture. Sources: ttp://www.diplomatie.gouv.sn/maeuase/ambassene_washington_ambassadeur.htm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amadou_Lamine_Ba
Biographical Information
Amadou Lamine Ba
(At a Glance)
Gender: male
Place of Origin: Senegal
In 1985 Ba graduated from Ohio State University with a Bachelor of Science. In 1990 he finished a Master of Science at Ohio State and received a Docterate in biology in 1993.

Amadou Lamine Ba fields of interest include international development, rural development, economic entomology and the envirnoment. He is also interested in the growth targets of Senegal, the history of policies and development plans of Senegal as well as the laws and procedures of the US and Senegal which govern the exportation of agricultuiral produce to the US.

Ambassador Ba is married to wife Oulimata and they have two children named Marieme and Ali.

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