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Joseph Iléo


Joseph Iléo born on September 15, 1921 and died on September 19, 1994, later called Sombo Amba Ileo, was a politician in the Republic of the Congo and was prime minister for two periods.

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Created: 1st Jul 2008
Modified: 1st Jul 2008
Professional Information
Premier Ministre
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Description of Work:
In 1956, Joseph Ileo was one of the authors of Manifeste de la Conscience Africaine, which demanded the right of Africans to self-rule. In 1958, he was one of the founders of the Mouvement National Congolais. When the movement split a year later, he joined the camp led by Albert Kalonji.

Iléo was voted into the Senate and then voted its president. On 5 September 1960, he was declared prime minister by the president, Joseph Kasavubu. He held the post until 20 September 1960. Under his successor, Albert Ndele, he served as Minister of Information. He was again declared prime minister on 9 February 1961. He remained in this post until 2 August 1961. In April 1990, he founded the PDSC, and was chairman of it until his death in 1994.
Biographical Information
Joseph Iléo
(At a Glance)
Date of Birth: Sep/15/1921
Gender: male
Interests: Politique, Culture, Art
Place of Origin: Congo-Kinshasa

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Congo-Kinshasa, Media
Government, Congo-Kinshasa, World
Congo-Kinshasa, Legislative
Congo-Kinshasa, Music