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Sheila Mitchell


Senior Vice President for Global Operations Family Health International

More by user: chesson
Created: 20th May 2008
Modified: 20th May 2008
Professional Information
Professional Areas:
Health, Policy
Working primarily in:

Description of Work:
Sheila Mitchell, Senior Vice President for Global Operations at Family Health International (FHI), has more than 25 years experience in managing international public health programs in Africa, Asia and Latin America. With a technical background in microbiology and a MBA degree she has since worked in more than 30 countries providing leadership and assistance in strategic design and management at the national, project and institutional level. She has worked on research teams at CDC and published some of the initial studies on HIV/AIDS in Africa. As a consultant to the World Bank, UNAIDS, and WHO, she has participated in technical advisory groups, developed guidelines, tools and strategies. She has worked for FHI since 1987, initially leading FHI's Blood Safety Initiative and she has since provided leadership and management support to FHI offices worldwide. (http://www.globalhealth.org/conference/view_top.php3?id=845)
Biographical Information
Sheila Mitchell
(At a Glance)
Gender: female
Place of Origin: United States