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Amilcar CABRAL

Cape Verde

African agronomic engineer, writer, Marxist and nationalist politician.

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Created: 4th Mar 2008
Modified: 4th Mar 2008
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Born on September 12, 1924, in Bafatá, in the east of the Guinea-Bissau, parents cap-verdiens originating in the island of Santiago, Amilcar Cabral lived all its life under the double identity of islander cap-verdien and continental Guinean, two geographically opposite worlds, bound by the same language, the Creole, and subjected to the same colonial domination, that of Portugal.

It leaves to study agronomy in Lisbon where it will remain until 1952. It y cotoie of the militants favorable to the release of the African colonies of the Portuguese colonial empire. Of return in Guinea-Bissau as agronomist, it intends to contribute to improve the condition of its people and to put an end to the Portuguese colonial domination. Constrained to leave Guinea by the colonial authorities, it engages in Angola in a sugar company. It renews contact with the Angolan nationalist movement and takes part in the formation of the popular Movement of release of Angola. In Bissau, it melts in 1956, with five companions, the African Party for independence (FEEDS) - Union of the people of Guinea and the islands of Cape Verde, future PAIGC. The PAIGC, organization then clandestine.

The PAIGC fights against the Portuguese army on several faces starting from the close countries, Guinea Conakry in particular and Casamance, province of Senegal. It manages little by little to control the south of the country, setting up new politico-administrative structures in the released zones "Nobody cannot doubt, among our people, as at any other African people, that this national war of liberation in which we are committed does not belong to very whole Africa", declared it. In parallel, Amílcar Cabral deploys an extremely intense diplomatic activity to make known its movement and to legitimate the action near the international community of it, and in 1972 the United Nations end up regarding the PAIGC "as true and legitimates representing people of Guinea and Ccape Verde".

It assimilates at the same time the African currents of thought and afro-American of the time, is filled with enthusiasm for the Anthology of the negro and Malagasy poetry of Senghor, is interested of close with the négritude, African Présence...

Amílcar Cabral dies assassinated on January 20, 1973 in Conakry (Guinea-Conakry), six months only before the independence of the Guinea-Bissau. Its assassins are members of his party, probably handled by the authorities Portuguese and profiting from complicities on the most level in the Guinean State. Amilcar Cabral will thus see never the recognition of the independence of the Guinea-Bissau and of Ccape Verde by Portugal on September 10, 1973, causes for which it fought during more than twenty years.
Biographical Information
Amilcar CABRAL
(At a Glance)
Place of Origin: Cape Verde

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