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Robin Hood Tax - Film Competition

More by user: k.horwich
Created: 28th Jul 2010
Modified: 28th Jul 2010

Tights. Camera. Action.

Calling on all budding filmmakers to make a Bankbuster for the Robin Hood Tax campaign


The Robin Hood Tax campaign is asking you to make some waves by producing a Bankbuster - a short film about the idea of a tax on banks to raise money for the poor and the planet.

In the UK alone, the bank bailout cost a massive £1.5 trillion - the equivalent of £31,250 for every person in the country. The films will tell the government that it is time for the banks to pay back society and help the people who were worst affected by the economic recession. The Robin Hood Tax presents a way to turn the financial crisis into an opportunity for the world - a tiny tax on banking transactions that would bolster crucial public services in the UK, reduce poverty overseas, and help pay the bill for tackling climate change.

The Robin Hood Tax campaign is a challenge to business as usual, and the films will reflect this. Director Richard Curtis, who will be judging the competition with actress Sienna Miller, has said "We are looking for original and creative films that sell the idea of the Robin Hood Tax in new and exciting ways." Films will also be judged on their ability to inspire others to sign up to the campaign, as well as the number of views they receive. Prizes include a master class with Richard Curtis, camera equipment, and a spot on the YouTube homepage.

The Robin Hood Tax could be the most important idea of our times. Making a film won't just be helping the campaign, it will be joining a generation which has started to say enough is enough and has the technology to create and share its own worldviews.

Get involved. Get filming.

Tights, camera, action.

Competition closes on 31st August 2010. Entries from outside the UK are accepted. To find out more or to see the latest entries go to:


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