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Village Wisdom; Immersed in Uganda, Inspired by Job, Changed for Life

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Created: 17th Jul 2010
Modified: 17th Jul 2010
Butler Mountain Press

Village Wisdom

Immersed in Uganda, Inspired by Job, Changed for Life


Carrie Wagner

 Village Wisdom, written, photographed and published by Carrie Wagner in 2010, fifteen years after she and her husband completed three years in Uganda with Habitat for Humanity International, tells an engaging and uplifting story that touches a soft spot in hearts of people from all walks of life.

Released at a time when our emotional tanks are drained by economic recession, natural disasters of epic proportions and partisan politics this book gives a refreshing perspective on core values and global relationships.  It also challenges us to stretch our internal and external borders, while inspiring us to seek opportunities for personal growth.

     Through evocative photographs and candid journal entries, Wagner contrasts the richness of culture with the challenges of poverty.     Some will be drawn into the 185 photographs, which depict life in a rural African village. Renowned photographer, Jason Miccolo Johnson writes, “For anyone who has ever wondered how people survive in villages where the inhabitants’ subsistence depends upon the land and the collective knowledge of their ingenuity Village Wisdom is a godsend.  Her images are at once intimate, yet respectful, matter of fact, yet hopeful, while revealing cultural authenticity.”

     For more information about Village Wisdom and to view the photo exhibits visit www.villagewisdombook.com.   The Portraits of Uganda collection will be exhibited at the Bank of America Plaza in downtown Atlanta from June 22 – September 23, 2010.


     About the Author: Carrie Wagner, a native of North Carolina worked with Habitat for Humanity International for 11 years, serving with her husband in Uganda, Americus, Georgia and South Africa. Her work with HFHI covered the spectrum of grassroots community development to International coordination of training programs in Africa, Latin America, Europe and Asia. Carrie has practiced photography for 25 years.  She currently lives in Asheville, NC with her husband and two sons.


 Contact Carrie at carrie@villagewisdombook.com



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