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myAfrica is a part of allAfrica.com, the largest site for news and information from and about Africa. myAfrica is designed to help you find and learn about things African. We are building what will become the most comprehensive and easilty searchable database of African tastes, sights, places and more.

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Enjoy a great meal for under $5.? This restaurant is owned by the same Italians as the luxurious Pension Tellit...
This is one of the best places to go people watching, starting at sunset. The food is very reasonably priced,...
Try some West African dishes with a Senegalese flavor.? Enjoy decent service at a very affordable price.? This is an...
This pretty restaurant offers indoor and outdoor seating and is set in the picturesque Marina. Although rated four stars, this...
Affordable accomodation and food.photo: http://picasaweb.google.com/thenataliedee/CommunitySchoolsDropInCenter/photo#5120248194639104610
Good local food.
Good place to eat or just relax with friends.photo: http://picasaweb.google.com/thenataliedee/CommunitySchoolsDropInCenter/photo#5120248194639104610
Good roasted meal.
Offers various dishes from different parts of Africa.
Close to the embassies in Lusaka.