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myAfrica is a part of allAfrica.com, the largest site for news and information from and about Africa. myAfrica is designed to help you find and learn about things African. We are building what will become the most comprehensive and easilty searchable database of African tastes, sights, places and more.

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If your stomache has not yet adjusted to Ghanaian food, you should probably stay away from the street vendors and...
This is a nice place to eat with a gorgeous view.? It is near the entrance to Aburi and many...
For a savory, inexpensive local meal, this is a great place to come.? Service can be slow so be prepared...
For an extremely filling, delicious meal for under $10, this is the place to go.? The waitresses are very nice...
In a lively and charming environment, the pan-African cuisine is delicious. The restaurant is owned by a friendly Capeverdian family...
For meals in the $3-5 range, this is the best place to go.? It's only open for lunch and can...
This restaurant has some of the best cooked, local cuisine in all of Dakar.? There is a lush, open patio...
This market holds a countrywide reputation as one of the most lively, and attacts people from far reaches of the...
This restaurant is extremely large by Angolan standards.? The prices are moderately expensive (a good meal can easily reach $40),...
This is a relatively inexpensive place, with great, large-portion meals under $20, where locals and tourists join together to watch...