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myAfrica is a part of allAfrica.com, the largest site for news and information from and about Africa. myAfrica is designed to help you find and learn about things African. We are building what will become the most comprehensive and easilty searchable database of African tastes, sights, places and more.

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Cafe Riche is the oldest cafe in the city. It is housed in a restored art deco building and serves...
This is one of the best places to go for a quick, sweet bite to eat.? Carry-out is also a...
A can't miss in Moshi. The cake and coffee are excellent, and the sandwiches get rave reviews. A great place...
An European-style cafe/coffee shop.? Great for breakfasts and light snacks or refreshments.? Very reasonable prices and good quality food and...
On a really hot day, this is the best place to go for delicious ice cream.? There are also staple...
Perfect for breakfast, a mid-day snack, or a cup of tea with friends, Hasty Tasty Too is extremely popular in...
The best cafe in the suburbs.
This is probably one of the best people-watching spots in all of Ouagadougou. From the terrace, you can see over...
Completely done in the style of a French cafe, the terrace is lovely for coffee, pasteries, and other treats. This...
Rolls pies and cakes.