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Abdiweli Mohamed Ali was appointed Prime Minister of Somalia on June 23, 2011, and received an overwhelming victory.
South Africa, Business
He is widely recognised as a successful businessman and respected politician who took part in the struggle against apartheid and...
He is a Somali educator, civil and political rights activist and politician, and was elected President of Somalia on 10...
South Africa, Media, Zimbabwe
Passionate Journalist & Writer of All Things Beautiful, Political Analyst With Undying Love for Good Music And Good People.
Aadan is a Somali politician. He is a former Finance Minister of Somalia, and the current Speaker of the Transitional...
Ahmed is the ninth president of Somalia and former commander in chief of the Islamic Courts Union-a previously militaristic organization.
United Kingdom
Tony Blair is the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom who is well-known for his Tony Blair Faith Foundation.