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Jerry Chifamba

South Africa

Passionate Journalist & Writer of All Things Beautiful, Political Analyst With Undying Love for Good Music And Good People.

More by user: jchifamba
Created: 12th Jul 2012
Modified: 12th Jul 2012
Professional Information
Professional Areas:
Assistant Online Editor
Working primarily in:
South Africa

Biographical Information
Jerry Chifamba
(At a Glance)
Date of Birth: Sep/24/1991
Gender: male
Place of Origin: Zimbabwe

Jerry Chifamba is an intelligent man who attended his secondary school at Mazowe High and moved on to Fletcher High to finish off his Advanced Level Studies.

After passing with outstanding results, Chifamba pursued his higher education in South Africa at the Cape Peninsula University Of Technology in the field of journalism. Chifamba aspires to venture into business in the future.


Music audio and videos with M.F.O Productions on Reverbnation - a music website.

More People

South Africa, Government
South Africa, Soccer
World, Zimbabwe, Government
United States, Online
Uganda, Media