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The Campaign Against Female Genital Mutilation is committed to the eradication of female genital mutilation (FGM). CAGeM links grassroots activism...
Kaelo Engage creates, manages, monitors and markets reputation in South Africa and through Africa. We provide reputation management services specifically...
Coral Spirit is a unique partnership between Wasini native Abdul Hemed Juma and Lili Angel, created an end to end...
Vision Positively transforming the Society through offering quality knowledge, skills changing life standards , nurturing the leaders of tomorrow, who...
The organization mission is to build an empowered Uganda society , free from disease and suffering and where human rights...
A Fully Completed Ambassadorial Mansion For Sale In Ministers Hill Maitama And Asokoro With The Following Features: CCTV, Auto Remote...
We are group of licensed and registered Estate Consultants, Brokers, Surveyors, Valuers and Developers rendering unique Real Estate Related Services...
Attract foreign investors to Puntland, by promoting puntland informing global investors opportunities in Puntland and how they can utilise these...
Invest in Puntland Agency (IPA) is one-shop stop for Foreign Investors, Somali Investors, International Businesses and Entrepreneurs who are willing...
Nzoyi Projects cc is a small, yet dynamic, all South African, Gauteng based, Project Management Company with a level 4...