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myAfrica is a part of allAfrica.com, the largest site for news and information from and about Africa. We are building the most comprehensive and easily searchable archive of films made about and from Africa.

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2002. 108 minutes. South Africa. Director: Lee Hirsch. Documentary. USD$20.00Documentary film depicting the struggles of black South Africans against the...
The Angel Returns: Changing the Tradition of Female Circumcision 50 min. Documentary This colorfully photographed film is set in Somalia,...
Ladies First: Rwandan Women Help Heal Their Nation (2004) 2004. 57 minutes. Rwanda. Documentary After genocide ripped their nation apart...
phillip ganja is a ugandan film actor and a film producer of welcome to south africa1 and bradina 1 now...
Semb?ne's 4th film and, perhaps, his funniest. Xala means "the curse" in Wolof. And who is cursed? That's El H
Faat Kine (2002)2002. 121 minutes. Senegal. Director: Ousmane Sembene. Feature Film In French and Wolof with English subtitles. Ousmane Sembene,...
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Credits: Cinematography, Emmanuel Machuel ; editor, Dominique Auvray ; music, Raul Andrade, Paul Hindemith.Actors: In?s de Medeiros, Isaach de Bankol?,...
Ce documentaire (1999) de Jean-Marie Teno a un regard percant sur la societe du Cameroun. L'auteur de "Clando" (1996), retrouvant...
In this documentary, Jean-Marie Teno investigates the ties between unaccountable government and an unproductive economy. He also looks into the...