In this documentary, Jean-Marie Teno investigates the ties between unaccountable government and an unproductive economy.
He also looks into the micro-politics, which play more than a casual role in his homeland. In so doing, he scorns African respect for authority and pleads effectively for equal rights and education. In every village the camera finds situations in which human rights are overruled by the will of a chief -- or patriach in charge.
Teno shows us how kleptocracy has become an accepted fact of Cameroonian life and Cameroon's bifurcated economy is also reflected in its schizophrenic education system. Teno concludes that Cameroon's economy is like a man with his feet in trash and his head in the clouds with nothing but chaos in between.
Articles on director, Jean-Marie Teno:
Artist Portrait: Jean Marie Teno
California Newsreel profile of Chef!