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myAfrica is a part of allAfrica.com, the largest site for news and information from and about Africa. We are building the most comprehensive and easily searchable archive of films made about and from Africa.

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A compelling story that raises the debate on some of our African cultural practices and believes especially when juxstaposed with...
2002. 108 minutes. South Africa. Director: Lee Hirsch. Documentary. USD$20.00Documentary film depicting the struggles of black South Africans against the...
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2003. 92 minutes. South Africa. Director: Ntshaveni Wa Luruli. Feature Film. USD$15.00. The film takes place in and around Cape...
2004. 52 minutes. South Africa. Directors: Minky Schlesinger and Khetiwe Ngcobo. Documantary. USD$25-$100Born into exile in Britain as the daughter...
2005. 118 minutes. South Africa. Director: Ian Gabriel. Feature film. USD$50-$200A moving and complex films on the seminal theme of...
2005. 120 minutes. South Africa. Director: Mark Dornford-May. Musical.The movie is a modern remake of Bizet's 1875 opera Carmen. It...
2004. 96 minutes. South Africa. Director: Darrell Roodt. Feature film. USD$20.00The story of a young mother who discovers she has...
2006. 73 minutes. South Africa. Director: Thomas Allen Harris. Feature film. USD$25-$200. Thomas Allen Harris? bittersweet eulogy to his stepfather,...
94 minutes. South Africa. Director: Gavin Hood. Feature film. USD$20.002007 Academy Award winner for Best Foreign Film. Based on South...