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Burkina Faso
A pamphlet containing five speeches in which Thomas Sankara, the leader of the revolution, explains how workers and peasants fought...
A book that details the history and geography of Niger while demonstrating Niger's beauty with the use of photographs.
An Irish-American woman returns to Niger where she restores the bond she thought she had lost with her daughter.? During...
This novel is about T?t?-Michel Kpomassie experience in Greenland where he is inspired to go after reading a book about...
Stationed as a Peace Corps instructor in the village of Lavie, Togo George Packer is educated by his experiences in...
According to the legend, the islands of the moon are protect the love of Salomon and the Queen of Saba....
Arts, Culture and Entertainment, Burkina Faso
An art book that contains images of masks and statues originating from Burkina Faso.