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myAfrica is a part of allAfrica.com, the largest site for news and information from and about Africa. Browse listings of different things to do where you live, if you are in Africa, or any attractions that you visited, if you toured any country in Africa. Find existing listings.

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Go gorilla trekking in this beautiful park. Tourists spend between 1 and 4 hours in the park looking for, and...
A beautiful park that is home to many species of wildlife, including elephants and manatees.? The park is quite diverse,...
Set aside a whole day to take a hike through the ribeiras.? You can meet local people along the way...
Spanning 14,763 square kilometers, Serengeti National Park is Tanzania's oldest and largest national park. Known for its large game including...
The cable car trip to the top offers unparalleled views of the city and ocean. The mountain is part of...
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Tsitsikamma is one of the most beautiful parks in South Africa. There is swimming and snorkeling, as well as hiking...
The lush park is 11,730 km? and consists mostly of the Kibara Plateau.? It also has many lakes and is...
Located in Agumatsa Wildlife Sanctuary, Wli contends to be the tallest waterfall in West Africa, although it is technically two...
Best experienced from November to June. Home to 44 species of large mammals (including lions and elephants) and 25 species...