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Josina Machel


Josina Machel (Muthemba), born 10 August 1945 and died 7 April 1971, was a Mozambican political exile and first wife of Mozambican President Samora Machel Machel left for exile in 1967 to Tanzania.

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Created: 2nd Jun 2008
Modified: 2nd Jun 2008
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Biographical Information
Josina Machel
(At a Glance)
Date of Birth: Aug/10/1945
Interests: Politique, Art, Humanitaire
Place of Origin: Mozambique
Marrying Samora Machel in May 1969, the couple had their first child in November of that year. While in exile, Machel worked extensively within FRELIMO, establishing orphanages in the liberated areas of northern Mozambique. Machel died of physical exhaustion in April 1971 in Tanzania's capital of Dar es Salaam. When Mozambique became independent in 1975, FRELIMO government led by Machel established 7 April as Mozambican Women's Day to honor his deceased wife. (source wikipedia)

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Government, Mozambique
Gambia, Government
Government, Madagascar
South Africa, Administration, Legislative
United States, Government, Cape Verde