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Dioh Podee


Mr. Podee is the president of the United Methodist University Student Union. The United Methodist University is one of the private universities operating in Liberia. It's owned by the Methodist Churc

More by user: bfofana
Created: 7th Mar 2008
Modified: 7th Mar 2008
Professional Information
Professional Areas:
Committe for Peace and Advocacy
Chief Financial Officer
Working primarily in:

Description of Work:
Mr. Dioh Podee was named Student leader of the year by the Star News Paper of the Global News Network for his remarkable leadership exhibited in a traumatized society such as Liberia where student riots are frequent. He recently led a large student delegation to neighboring Sierra Leone in an effort to affiliate with the sister University of Fourah Bay in that country. Something observers see as very farsighted on the part of the young man because only just recently, both countries had a tense diplomatic relationship.

As a student of Accounting, he is one of the few fortunate young Liberians to have had the opportunity to be a student while at the same time serving as Chief Financial Officer for the Committee for Peace and Advocacy, a local human rights group that advocates the right of vulnerable people.

In the student circle, Mr. Podee is one of those respected student leaders with many who watch him with keen interest being very optimistic that a national leader is emerging.
Biographical Information
Dioh Podee
(At a Glance)
Date of Birth: Feb/3/1977
Interests: Politics, Financial Management etc
  City: Monrovia
Place of Origin: Liberia

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