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United Kingdom : World Development Movement

Visit their site: www.wdm.org.uk

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Organization Details
The World Development Movement tackles the underlying causes of poverty lobbying decision makers to change the policies that keep people poor. We research and promote positive alternatives. We work alongside people in the developing world who are standing up to injustice. Policies of governments and companies are keeping people poor. Policies that ensure global trade benefits the rich, not the poor.The three richest men in the world are wealthier than the 48 poorest countries combined. Policies that give increasing power to multinational companies. For every £1 of aid going into poor countries, multinationals take 66p of profits out. After years of campaigning, debt cancellation is now on the international agenda. WDM’s High Court victory over the Government stopped British aid budgets being used to support the arms trade instead of the poor. These are just two examples of WDM's campaign successes.
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