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Jubilee USA Network

Visit their site: www.j2000.usa.org

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Organization Details
Building on the progress of the Jubilee 2000/USA campaign against the crushing burden of poor country debt, Jubilee USA Network carries on the work begun in 1997 when a diverse gathering of people and organizations came together in response to the international call for Jubilee debt cancellation and established 2000/USA. Now over 60 organizations including labor, churches, religious communities and institutions, AIDS activists, trade campaigners and over 9,000 individuals are active members of the Jubilee USA Network in a dedicated to working for a world free of debt for billions of people. International debt has become a new form of slavery. Debt slavery means poor people working harder and harder in a vain effort to keep up with the interest payments on debts owed to rich countries including the US and international financial institutions such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank. Jubilee USA Network brings together people to turn this reality around by active solidarity with partners worldwide, targeted and timely advocacy strategies and educational outreach. The illegitimacy of the debt is a central theme of campaignas as is support of the work of groups in the South.
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